Friday, March 23, 2007

As the weekend rolls around...

I'm glad my roommate is still alive. We were painting with oil based paints in the basement, and he decided to have a glass of milk. We had poured some paint thinner into a cup to keep our brushes from drying out, but Paul got the two cups mixed up and accidentally took a drink of the paint thinner! I looked up just as he hurled the paint thinner out of his mouth; fortunately none was swallowed. We called poison control just to be safe, and Paul was told to brush his teeth, throw away the toothbrush, and eat some ice cream.

That whole painting ordeal was quite an experience. Completely spontaneous, the idea emerged after looking at some of Alex's artwork, and our ensuing conversation about how the mind works when we're in that artistic, creative mood.

I keep thinking back to the Wall Street Journal article, "entrepreneurship 101." Why wouldn't UGA want a similar program? Heck, I'll do the legwork.

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