Sunday, October 14, 2007

Whats New (and Old) in the News

Some articles of interest;

Steven Rinella depicts a culinary experience in Vietnam, eating dog meat.

Apparently eating dog meat creates a burning sensation in the chest. Not sure whether that comes from the subjective realization that you are consuming "man's best friend." Rinella explains how difficult this was for him, especially since the act brought to memory the pet dogs he grew up loving. Fascinating Steve! What a gift to humanity. What rich cultural narrative.

China Regulates Buddhist Reincarnation
As Tyler Cohen, economist and respected blogger, explains;

"Well, most countries do limit immigration one way or another. Here is the bottom line:

By barring any Buddhist monk living outside China from seeking reincarnation, the law effectively gives Chinese authorities the power to choose the next Dalai Lama, whose soul, by tradition, is reborn as a new human to continue the work of relieving suffering."

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Press Release

I'm considering to "declassify" my blog. Right now I don't believe anyone reads it, and the reason simply is that I don't tell people I have a blog. And if, on rare occasion I admit to keeping a blog, I refuse to disclose its location. So right now I write to an audience that does not exist; but for me thats best. Now that I worry somebody might find it, I've found myself going back over everything to "tidy up." Its still a little bit incriminating, but it could be much worse. Yet, I would really only find value in this outlet if I could write freely and without restraint. Not having to worry about or cater to a specific audience. Thats the beauty, to me, of an "underground blog."

This blog has always been for me. I read the post, and I enjoy them. I enjoy writing that takes me back to another time. The memories attached to these posts are invaluably rich, and not worth compromising for the sake of a third-party.

Okay, Its 2:30 and I'm finally starting to get tired...

Eppur si muove

The other day I discovered The Post Secret Blog

A few of my favorite lines; "You're my happy ending," and "I know we can fix this." So yea, thats sweet. I'm still not sure how I feel about reading other people's secrets, but I like it.

I'm considering to write something academic. Okay, that was a joke. But really, I want to write! Maybe reading Reed's research has given me the itch.

Nostalgia rolls on...

Time & Relativity

"This long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can only tell us that when the storm is long past the sea is flat again."

-John Maynard Keynes

Friday, October 12, 2007

Another Post

“When my life is through,
And the angels ask me to recall
The thrill of them all,
I shall tell them I remember you.”