Saturday, October 13, 2007

Press Release

I'm considering to "declassify" my blog. Right now I don't believe anyone reads it, and the reason simply is that I don't tell people I have a blog. And if, on rare occasion I admit to keeping a blog, I refuse to disclose its location. So right now I write to an audience that does not exist; but for me thats best. Now that I worry somebody might find it, I've found myself going back over everything to "tidy up." Its still a little bit incriminating, but it could be much worse. Yet, I would really only find value in this outlet if I could write freely and without restraint. Not having to worry about or cater to a specific audience. Thats the beauty, to me, of an "underground blog."

This blog has always been for me. I read the post, and I enjoy them. I enjoy writing that takes me back to another time. The memories attached to these posts are invaluably rich, and not worth compromising for the sake of a third-party.

Okay, Its 2:30 and I'm finally starting to get tired...

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