Monday, February 23, 2009

more dabblings

All things considered, I regard myself among more frugal sort of people. Penurious, if you will. But there are a few items, I have decided, for which such frugality receives a particular pardon. These are the must-haves of life - the items for which quality demands no exception. I would rather live on ramen noodles and have an these essential luxuries than sacrifice them to afford to eat better food, like hamburgers. Here are two examples:

Sometimes I buy coffee roasted by Greyfriar's. You can find it at Cups Coffee. Buying my coffee pre-ground and then taking it home to Mr. Coffee was the routine, but I recently was enlightened to the terrible error of my ways. I purchased a coffee grinder, and a nice awesomely large coffee mug. Additionally, have been buying spring water which tastes better than regular tap water; there's a discernible difference. Hence, a new chapter in my coffee-consuming career has begun. I simply cannot wait to wake up tomorrow and brew a quality cup of Joe.

Ice cream
Haagan-Dazs, no questions asked. Unless you're buying for a group or party - then it doesn't really matter. You simply cannot compromise when it comes to ice cream, period. And as a matter of opinion, White Chocolate Raspberry Truffle is creme de la creme. Although, a few items receive honorable mention: Banana Pudding from Blue Bell, the Chocolate Trinity from Publix, and a particular Breyers flavor that slips my mind for the time being - it does exist.

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