Friday, September 16, 2011

Oratorical Fireworks

I have to be honest, when they were first looking for a graduation speaker to represent the Class of 2003, they asked the smartest, most intelligent person that the University had to offer, one who had Rhodes Scholar Potential written all over him....and he turned them down.

So then they decided to ask the best looking, most attractive person in the student body who would be the poster boy for the University of Georgia with a gleaming smile and gorgeous face....and he turned them down as well.

Finally they just decided to ask the best all around student, one who could entertain a crowd of well over 30,000 people with his oratorical fireworks and irresistible charm....and I realized that if I were to turn them down 3 times in a row.....that would be pretty rude!

Introductory remarks of Garrett Gravesen
UGA Commencement Address, 2003

recycled post from 02/23/2008

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