Sunday, September 11, 2011

Midtown, ATL

Here's something I found on an old SD card today. It dates back to 2008. My camera had one of those shutter timers so I left it out on the balcony for a couple of days. You may recognize the buildings. One is the Fox Theater, which was formerly a mosque, and to the right is the Georgian Terrace Hotel. And just up the street is the Margaret Mitchell house (Gone with the Wind). I can't remember the intervals used to shoot this. Anyway, at the end are some random shots that somehow got mixed into the photo sequence. May have been from a thunderstorm. Enjoy.


Innocent ramblings of Chairrs said...

I love the artisticness of this. super awesome idea!!

Kyle Barton said...

Love the feet shot that slips in there! You need a classy downtown mix to go in the background.