Thursday, September 8, 2011

My $60 Breakfast

I'm rededicating my life to quality beginnings: power breakfasts, morning revival, showers, and coffee. But these things don't come cheap. This week we're dabbling into quality pancake recipes. I'm parting ways with instant pancake mix, and crossing the Rubicon into the boundless possibilities that exist in the made-from-scratch arena. 

Our verse for the week is John 20:12. It's divine and human, and very mystical...
"Jesus said to them, Come and have breakfast...."
So this is Biblical. And it's only for your sake this week that I'm testing out the Pioneer Woman's  Perfect Pancakes. She uses cake flour, and vanilla extract (don't look at the price when you buy it; just close your eyes, grit your teeth, and then call on the Lord). And I have been coveting that electric griddle for a couple of weeks now. It's durable so I think I'll capitalize the things rather let it hit an expense account. Pretty spiffy.

Stay tuned. 


Anonymous said...

serve em up nice and hot, maybe things aren't as bad as you thought

Unknown said...

pancakes for breakfast... yummy!

Amen, brother, there's a price to pay to have a solid morning revival with the Lord, but once you start paying the price every morning, it becomes a healthy habit! And then, after a while, you can get on a "power breakfast", by including the quantity and quality of food! :)

c.chan said...

I believe your breakfast is not being faithfully represented. It seems that you've expensed all of the costs in this one breakfast period. However, the griddle can be depreciated over its useful life of breakfasts.