Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Chess Fad

Here are two books I have recently acquired and hope to delve into soon. The King's Gambit has the most enthralling opening chapter, and promises to be a rewarding read. Bobby Fisher has also been of deep interest of late, I find his obsession with chess to be quite intriguing. Even his statement "chess is life" warrants some attention. Apparently he was an outspoken anti-Semite, but I can't help but pity Fisher. Clearly there were issues in his head, but they were likely perpetuated by his being plunged into the dark world of competitive chess.

So Hoffman's King's Gambit might explain how chess affects people, how deeply chess captures people, and the Bobby Fisher book provides an in-depth case study to solidify the resounding consensus - that chess players are of an entirely different species.

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