Monday, April 14, 2008

dispatches from a library basement

Not all floors are created equal. It's true. The tenderfoot library-studying student would discount this observation as a trivial nuance; or may not notice at all. But as experience and exploration testify, each floor has its own atmosphere, patronage and character.

Want to study in a busy, open and well-lit area? Try the first floor - through the double doors and immediately to your right. You'll rarely be alone, and there's plenty of breathing room. Maybe you're hungry? You'll find the cafeteria has some bargains, and often you might overhear law students arguing over their interpretations of dicta from their latest tort case. It's a nice place to people-watch, one of my pass-times.

Maybe you want something a little quieter? Try going up a few floors. On the 4th and 5th floors you'll usually see the same people. Sometimes they're graduate students, sometimes greeks. But if you see somebody at one table, chances are you'll see them there again. These floors are slightly more quiet, but you still have the occasional disturbance of a librarian squeaking around with her cart full of books, or a bewildered student trying to figure out what happened to the GH135.13 section; you'll notice him circle the floor about three time, then possibly return with somebody from the help desk (if he's hasn't just given up). The mid-level floors sometimes have nice windows. And although the glare from outside light can make laptop use difficult, the view is amazing(ly distracting). Most of the tables are out in the open; don't sit next to a bathroom! But if you snoop around a bit you might just find a random table hidden among the rows and rows of books. (Look along the walls).

The 7th floor is a whole different animal. In my opinion, this is where the cool, artsy people study. The video archives are here, and I think some fashion design publications. Generally a higher art-content area than other floors. There's one hidden wing that can be a good area to study, but usually there are already people here.

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