Friday, December 19, 2008

no rest for the weary....

In recent days there has been an explosion of response from my faithful readers. And I must say, somewhat aggressively have they demanded further posts. As one enthusiastic reader wrote:


Dear Weekend Intellect,

My day begins and ends with your blog. The rhythm of my life relies on your blogging, and I despair sullenly when the sun goes down without a new dabbling, a new diatribe, a new flavor of your tempered brilliance penetrating across the internet. Today I cried into my milk (during morning cereal) and regretted with solemn contempt that a new post had not been sacrificed to the blogosphere. Currently my life is a whirlwind of depression; you have not posted anything in over three days. I feel the livelihood of my soul resting in your (lazy) hands. Please renew your dedication, strengthen your resolve, and ride to our rescue!

Yours truly,

Loyal Reader

(End quote)

But please allow me explain, that the genius required to post these gems into the blogosphere is somewhat spontaneous - you can't just sit down and write something without an ocean of inspiration backing it up. And thus the most epic dilemma; How do I continue the prodigious, prolific work that has begun without compromising the genius quality behind it?

I'm on the verge of a breakthrough, but in the form of a sneak preview I can explain that I will be archiving some postings, and then enrolling a blog-automation program to upload them systematically. Loyal Reader, please relax. I shall not rest, shall not retire, until this effort is fully completed.

1 comment:

may said...

Haha, wow...Does your loyal reader have a blog? I want to read theirs.