Saturday, December 6, 2008

Stories from another universe

My desk is always a mess. The clutter is unbearable and usually spills over onto the floor area surrounding me. And as if the papers and books weren't bad enough, I also have this nasty tendency to horde dishes on my desk. Every once in a while we run out of cups or bowls and I have to make several trips to my room to recover those items.

Maybe this is an indicator that I need "training." Yes, that thing. I don't know. Just a few minutes ago I noticed that gallon of milk sitting on my desk for - well I'm not sure how long. It was from the cereal. The cereal. I remember now; there had been already a bowl (and cups and plates for that matter) on my desk, so I ran to the kitchen to bring cereal and milk.

Milk shouldn't be left on my desk over night. I put it back.

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