Sunday, March 16, 2008

Aphorisms Compiled

"Voracious reader, competitive scrabble player, occasional artist and writer, avid chess player; hopeless romantic - is that me? In a nutshell." Weell not quite, but I like that part at least. Sounds good so far. "An easygoing socialite, tactful, resourceful; well-versed in etiquette, narcissistic." Stop! You're getting ahead of yourself there. Too presumptuous!

I'm also qualifiedly the "under-ambitious accounting student struggling to meet self-imposed standards and bring his academic destiny to fruition. With eclectic and fluid musical taste, he prefers to move rapidly through art, music, and time - ah, the avant-garde?"

"Remarkably unorganized and unashamedly candid. He blunders through complex and delicate social encounters but manages to emerge unscathed. For his ego is far too protected; much removed from these events. Chagrin escapes him, but the flourishing narcissistic-side of this humble man is ne'er tempered. He remains cerebrally self-absorbed and boldly over-confident."

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